2 Nov 2023

Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883 by Various, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. AN IMPROVED MANGANESE BATTERY.



The Leclanche battery is distinguished for its simplicity, its small internal resistance (0.7 to 1.0 Siemens unit), and that all chemical action ceases when the current is broken, that it is not sensitive to external influence, and by the self-renewal of the negative electrodes. But on the opposite side the action is not very great (= 1.20 or 1.48 D.), and the zinc as well as the sal ammoniac are converted into products that cannot be utilized.

I replace the solution of sal ammoniac by one of caustic potash or soda (12 to 15 per cent.), and the thin zinc rods by zincs with larger surfaces. In this manner, I obtain a powerful and odorless battery, having all the valuable qualities of the Leclanche, and one that permits of a renewal of the potash solution as well as of the negative electrode.

The electromotive power of this element may be as high as 1.8 D. The same pyrolusite (binoxide of manganese) cylinder used with the same thin rod of zinc will precipitate 75 per cent. more copper from solution in an hour when caustic potash is used than when sal ammoniac is employed. But by replacing the thin zinc rod by a zinc cylinder of large surface, 2½ times as much copper is precipitated in the same time.

The more powerful action of such a pair is explained by the stronger excitation and more rapid regeneration that the negative electrodes undergo from the oxidizing action of the air in the potash solution, as well as by the fact that this solution is a better conductor than the sal ammoniac solution. The potash solution does not crystallize easily, hence the negative electrode remains free from crystals and does not require filling up with water. Zinc dissolves only while in contact with negative bodies, hence there is no unnecessary consumption of zinc either in the open or closed circuit.

When the potash lye has become useless, I regenerate it by removing the zinc in the following manner: I pour the solution from the cells, put it in a suitable vessel, where I add water to replace that already evaporated, and then shake it up well at the ordinary temperature with hydrated oxide of zinc (zincic hydrate). Under this treatment the greater portion of the zinc that had been chemically dissolved by the potash is precipitated in the form of zinc hydrate, along with some carbonate. The liquid is now allowed to settle, and the clear supernatant solution is poured back again into the battery cells. The battery has rather greater electromotive force when this regenerated lye is used, because certain foreign matters from the carbon, like sulphur, chlorine, sulphuric acid, etc., are removed by this treatment.

The regeneration of the (brown coal) carbon goes on of itself, beneath the lye, through the oxidizing action of the atmospheric air; it is advantageous to have a part of the carbon sticking out of the liquid. Of course the regeneration takes place much more quickly if the electrodes are taken out and exposed to the air. In this case the carbon electrode need not be very thick, and can be flat or of tubular form. In the former case it must have a large volume, and the massive cylindrical form is recommended. The zinc electrode must be kept covered deeply with potash. The cells must have free access of air, and the potash must be replaced as soon as it is exhausted.--Chem. Zeit.

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This book is part of the public domain. Various (2005). Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved

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