Information about Caveats, Extensions, Interferences, Designs, Trade-Marks, and Foreign Patents

18 Dec 2023

Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871 by Various, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. Information about Caveats, Extensions, Interferences, Designs, Trade-Marks, and Foreign Patents.

Information about Caveats, Extensions, Interferences, Designs, Trade-Marks, and Foreign Patents.

For Twenty-five years, Munn & Co. have occupied the leading position of Solicitors of American and European Patents. During this long experience they have examined not less than Fifty Thousand Inventions, and have prosecuted upwards of Thirty Thousand Applications for Patents. In addition to this they have made, at the Patent Office, Twenty-Five Thousand Special Examinations into the novelty of various Inventions.

The important advantage of Munn & Co.'s American and European Patent Agency is that the practice has been tenfold greater than that of any other agency in existence, with the additional advantages of having the aid of the highest professional skill in every department and a Branch Office at Washington, that watches and supervises cases when necessary, as they pass through Official Examination.


Ask Special Attention to their System of doing Business.

Consultation and Opinions Free.

Inventors who desire to consult with Munn & Co. are invited to call at their office 37 Park Row, or to send a sketch and description of the invention, which will be examined and an opinion given or sent by mail without charge.


is made into the novelty of an invention by personal examination at the Patent Office of all patented inventions bearing on the particular class. This search is made by examiners of long experience, for which a fee of $5 is charged. A report is given in writing.

To avoid all possible misapprehension, Munn & Co. advise generally, that inventors send models. But the Commissioner may at his discretion dispense with a model—this can be arranged beforehand.

Munn & Co. take special care in preparation of drawings and specifications.

If a case should for any cause be rejected it is investigated immediately, and the rejection if an improper one set aside.


is made to clients for this extra service. Munn & Co. have skillful experts in attendance to supervise cases and to press them forward when necessary.


Munn & Co. give very special attention to the examination and prosecution of rejected cases filed by inventors and other attorneys. In such cases a fee of $5 is required for special examination and report; and in case of probable success by further prosecution and the papers are found tolerably well prepared, Munn & Co. will take up the case and endeavor to get it through for a reasonable fee to be agreed upon in advance of prosecution.


Are desirable if an inventor is not fully prepared to apply for a Patent. A Caveat affords protection for one year against the issue of a patent to another for the same invention. Caveat papers should be carefully prepared.

The Government fee on filing a Caveat is $10, and Munn & Co.'s charge for preparing the necessary papers is usually from $10 to $12.


A patent when discovered to be defective may be reissued by the surrender of the original patent, and the filing of amended papers. This proceeding should be taken with great care.


Can be patented for a term of years, also new medicines or medical compounds, and useful mixtures of all kinds.

When the invention consists of a medicine or compound, or a new article of manufacture, or a new composition, samples of the article must be furnished, neatly put up. There should also be forwarded a full statement of its ingredients, proportions, mode of preparation, uses, and merits.

Canadians and all other foreigners can now obtain patents upon the same terms as citizens.


Munn & Co. have solicited a larger number of European Patents than any other agency. They have agents located at London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, and other chief cities. A pamphlet containing a synopsis of the Foreign Patent Laws sent free.

Munn & Co. could refer, if necessary, to thousands of patentees who have had the benefit of their advice and assistance, to many of the principal business men in this and other cities, and to members of Congress and prominent citizens throughout the country.

All communications are treated as confidential.


| **MUNN & CO., \           **No. 37 Park Row,

\                                 NEW YORK.

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This book is part of the public domain. Various (2006). Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved

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